What comes to mind when you think of adventure?
When I asked this question on Instagram most answers were related to travel… maps, new places, trains, taxis, sandy toes, gas stations. Perhaps you thought of a plane or a passport.
Travel is definitely one way to experience adventure {and one of my favorites.} But it’s not the only way. Today we’re reframing adventure to see how it can fit into our daily lives.
When you take a photograph you choose what to put in the frame. More sky or more land? Zoom in or zoom out? It’s the same with life. You can point your internal cameras at the word adventure and tell yourself that it’s not for you. I don’t have the money. I don’t have the time. It’s not my season.
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Or you can choose to widen your frame to include more possibilities. Start to look for the opportunities for adventure that are all around you!
Pardon me while I push up my glasses and pull out the dictionary definition…
I think most of us tend to associate adventure with the first definition above… something unusual and kind of dangerous like mountain climbing or hang gliding.
But I’m more interested in the second. It’s about our individual enthusiasm & resourcefulness. I love this definition because it allows us the full scope to determine what’s daring & exciting for us.
Remember how the world looked when you were a child? Everything was new and exciting! And somewhere along the way we stopped paying attention. We lost our sense of wonder.
When I was researching for this post {Does that sound dry and boring? It’s just how my Inner Samwise works y’all.} I found this quote by Wilferd Peterson that really resonated with me and was right in line with my philosophy.
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First of all, I LOVE that he calls it the art of adventure! There’s a creativity in living your life this way even if you never pick up a paintbrush.
And I wholeheartedly agree… if it breaks up your routine and gives you a new perspective it’s definitely an adventure! Whether that’s reading a book, trying a new food, knitting a scarf, visiting a local museum or going for a hike.
So that’s one definition of adventure… something that interrupts the monotony of the day to day. Another is simply changing our perspective of what’s already there. I love this quote too…
Planting a garden? Adventure!
Trying a new recipe? Adventure!
Trip to the thrift store? Adventure!
Choose to look at your life through the lens of adventure and you may be amazed what you find.
”One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.” – William Feather
What adventures have you had lately? Let’s chat in comments.