I didn’t choose a word last year. Or the year before that. I’ve been in a metaphorical hibernation since Davy was born. Snug and still even before 2020 locked us all down.
These 18 months have been a time of dreaming and ideation. I have had more creative ideas during postpartum than any other time in my life.
Yet, action came in waves. Small lapping pond waters. Occasional crashing whitecaps. Doodles and book drafts. It was inconsistent, but it kept me afloat. The ideas I didn’t have time or energy to complete I gathered up and squirreled away for another time.
I’ve chosen the word Make for 2021 because I want to establish a daily creative practice. To put those ideas I’ve collected to use.
I want to make more art, but gently. I need flexibility to tend a sick babe or adjust my pace to avoid burnout. Some days I might paint or weave and others I might make beans on toast. Both are equally valid.
It’s an invitation to create everyday and a curiosity to see how that unfolds.
If you’d like to follow along I’ll be writing about my year of making in my newsletter. I’ll drop an opt in box here to make it easy.